Development Finance

Property Development Finance, with developers in mind
In a nutshell:
- Up to 100% build costs
- Up to 75% of land purchase
- Up to 75% Loan to Gross Development Value
- Borrowing from £100,000 – £250,000,000
- Terms typically 12-24 months or longer
- Senior, stretched senior (1st Charge) and mezzanine finance (2nd charge)
- New Builds, conversions and heavy or light refurbishment
- All levels of experience or portfolio size
- All areas of UK covered
- Loan availability, loan terms, lender fees and rates will vary depending on financials and background
- Business purposes only
What we do
We source Property Development Finance! This is our passion and area of expertise, we have helped both new and established property developers fund their projects. We are well equipped to meet a variety of Property Development Finance needs from commercial conversions to refurbishments, ground up multi-unit sites and more.
What’s more is we are always happy to provide a free consultation, we are here to answer any questions and we source funding for properties anywhere in the UK.
You’ve found your property development site or you know what you’re looking for and now you’ve found the company that’s here to support you every step of the way on your funding journey towards turning that site into a reality.
A little bit more about Development Finance…
What is Property Development Finance?
Property Development Finance is funding for property development projects involving a build element, which require planning permission and/or structural works.
What can Property Development Finance be used for?
Property Development Finance can be used for both residential and commercial projects or a mix of the two. Examples of the types of projects include:
- Ground up build of an entirely new building;
- Adding additional floors or extensions to existing buildings;
- Basement excavations;
- Extensive reconfiguration such as a commercial to residential conversion.
How is Property Development Finance structured?
Property Development Finance lenders use a range of criteria in which to calculate their loan size and the structure, with each deal being assessed individually on its attributes with typical features including:
- Property Development Finance lenders typically charge an arrangement fee, monthly interest and an exit fee, with the exit fee being payable when the loan is redeemed.
- Interest can sometimes be serviced but is more often rolled up within the loan facility.
- Loan terms for Property Development Finance are typically 12-24 Months but can be up to 36 months in some cases.
- If your properties sell quicker than expected, then Property Development Finance generally allows for an earlier repayment without early repayment charges.
How much can I borrow using Property Development Finance?
Typically, a Property Development Finance lender will look to fund 100% of build costs and professional fees along with an additional sum towards the land purchase of up to 70-75% Loan To Value (LTV) depending upon a particular lender’s maximum Loan to Gross Development Value (LTGDV). In some cases, with the use of a Mezzanine finance lender (a second lender that ranks behind the Property Development Finance lender) it is possible to borrow up to 90% of total costs. Typically, the minimum loan size for Property Development Finance is £150,000 and the maximum loan size is into the hundreds of millions.
How will a Property Development Finance lender assess my project?
Property Development Finance lenders carry out a thorough assessment of each project and the circumstances of the borrower. Some of the key items they look at are:
- Planning permission – a lender will want to see that any required permission is in place and that the relevant conditions are met. If you don’t have planning permission, bridging finance might be more suitable.
- Location of the project – lenders have difference appetites for different locations.
- Calculated profits - typically requiring a minimum of 20% profit on costs.
- Gross Development Value – what will the completed properties be worth?
- The demand of the planned properties in the location.
- Borrower’s experience and background.
- The quality and experience of the professional team behind the development for example building contractor, architect and project manager.